One-To-One Family Support
Child Age group: 12 - 16
Engage with Education works with families and young people that have been out of school education for a long period of time. In our programs working with young people in the inner city, we have seen how vital and important it is to work closely with both parents as much as possible to see true changes in behaviour. Knowing this, we have expanded our programs to include direct parental support.
Our mentoring work in this program has a specific focus on alternative education, young peoples goals and positive ways to reach them. Targets are set accordingly. Before this point is reached, however, there is a keen understanding that a young person must be well prepared mentally and emotionally to access and thrive in any educational setting.
Our formative sessions will focus on mindsets, and self-management (conflict resolution, anger management, confidence work, friendship groups etc.). This program provide tutoring in key school subjects, as well as Arts Award qualifications. Bridge the gap have also partnered with sports Intervention programs to work with young people in sport as well as the creative arts.